When I was seventeen I just could not wait for being twenty…and would like to tell the world that…”here I was”, a real woman!! But reaching thirty years of my age I desperately wondered why the time is running so fast…?! Yeah, if u ask me in which would I like to be?? I would absolutely love to say…”in between twenty and twenty five”! Undoubtedly, it such a pretty good years every women like to be…”girl's appearance and matured”, or defined as “young in age and matured in thought”…ough, who don’t wanna be so?
But time is still running, and day is still going…as babies grow up, we would also grow older (= let’s say more matured), and these how a law of nature rules our life. I even find that sometimes people are shy to tell their real age...oh, why? Nothing to worry about "age" guys...! It would be as it is. The older we are the more experiences we got in this life..
Me, now in thirties…and I feel lovely even in this age...having family and friends, feeling their affections makes my lifestyle and life perspective are much changing...everything just taught me how I should be, definitely, being a mom..a wife...a daughter...and a part of social community is not an easy task! Thus I need to create a good balance in doing my life...and I feel so great for having encouraged it so far, now I had purposes behind every decisions I made…which never unthinkable by me before! I see my life is much meaningful and I proudly say that I also feel lovely to be in it..what about u??
lovely thirty..i never try to hide my age, for me being thirty is miracle, keeping all those years behind us deep in our mind, and all those years been shaping our today's character.
ReplyDeleteTiap kali saya ditanya kawan2 pakistan saya mereka selalu bilang tidak percaya kalau saya udah mau kepala 3, hehe..mungkin wajah asia ini membuat orang terlihat awet muda ya meski sebetulnya udah mau beruban :))