04 April 2009


I use to spend quite long time to get myself ready suiting some clothes..n these was one of my bad-habit which I couldn't help it up to now...and my husband knew it very well, mostly hate it n keep complaining it...specially when we're in hurry..ups, no wonder, I think every husbands would do d same thing in this case!
Well I'm not kind of a fashionholic who would be dressing herself perfectly with only d very updated-fashions, but it seems to me that being fashionable is a must-do!! cos d outward appearances unlikely would reflect what's inside (read: "heart")....and personality. To be well-fashioned is not extremely to be on day-trends, on my idea, it's rather to put something in "mix and match" matter....I believe every women has these special kind of sense.
Women naturally love fashions, indeed are willing to spend much on it....(we hope men understand it as well!...he he), in d meantime, we have to consider that good stuffs did not mean d costly or d branded one, it may be priceless but if it gives us comfort, with a little creative touch it could be something fantastic and fabulous on our self...
So if u really have a deep concern on ur appearance as well as ur beauty...u absolutely need to be fashionable...ahai, I would lovely do it anyway!!


  1. hehehe..baru mau saya balas message nya ternyata udah bisa nih..makin mantabb aja..wah kalo saya sih fashionable gaya gimana aja yang penting suami ngga protes..hehehe ya gak?


Thanks dear...happy shopping and sharing :)