24 September 2009

happy iedul fitri

For people I love,
in my day and night
in my dream and real world
in my heart and mind..

I may not know when I did wrong
I may not consider when I hurt your hearts
I may not remember when I did not good

But to tell u the truth,
I never wanna do that in my life
specially to people I love
and if I did so
I humbly ask your forgiveness
from the bottom of my heart
I say..

"Minal 'aidin wal faizin, maaf lahir dan bathin"

09 September 2009

I'm back with an award...:)

Here I'm back!! Hmm...kangen juga berkunjung ke rumah bunga ini setelah sekian hari hiatus ga sengaja dari peredaran karena sakit...hiks! Akhirnya harus off puasa sampe sekian belas hari...pffhh! It seem that nothing worse than that...but then, I do realize that God has something great behind...may be for me, or for people I love, including you...^^. So just wait and see for the good thing which may happen to u now or tomorrow...who knows??....:p

Pinta maafku yach...untuk temen2 yang udah sempat berkunjung tapi belum mendapat kunjungan balasan dariku, I really appreciated your attentions toward me...wish u all d best in your life :) dan yang spesial tentunya buat mbak tisti yang udah sangat setia dan baik hati memberiku award ini. Oya mbak, awardnya aku ambil cuma satu karena yang dulu aku ga bisa kerjain PR nya, susah...takut ga lulus..hiks hiks! Nerima award ini rasanya langsung "TERSANJUNG 12" dech..(hehe, dah kayak sinetron...) karena kuerrennn bangeetts...apalagi awardnya khusus untuk blogger cewek...wow, hidup perempuan Indonesia!!hihi..

Award ini diterima mbak Tisti dari mbak Renny dan Henny Y Caprestya, thanks for all...love it much! Ini dia awardnya:

Selanjutnya pe er!...duhh, aku tu kadang kok lebih bingung dapet PR dari blogger ya daripada dapet tugas dari dosen...hehe, abis materi blogger unpredictable sich, trus ga ada di buku lagi...kwek kwek...(abis sakit kok jadi error gini..:p). Oh ya ini dia aturan main n tugasnya:

1. Banner award tidak boleh diubah baik tulisan, warna dan signaturenya yaa… kalo di-resize gambar boleh.
2. Tuliskan siapa yang ngasi award dan url nya trus url nya harus di-hyperlink ke bannernya yaa… supaya yang ngasih dapet backlink dari website kamu.
3. Pilih 10 orang female blogger yang kamu kenal dan belum nerima award ini, dan sebutkan alasan kenapa kamu pikir dia layak dapetin award ini.

1. mama hilda
2. mocca chi
3. nila tanzil
4. penikmat buku
5. novita
6. anazkia
7. suzhu Bites
8. nura
9. fully saiia
10. nietha

Those lovely friends are really awesome and amazing, their writings are like a miracle...love u all :)

4. Selanjutnya:
* Buka search engine Google
* Tulis nama kamu dilanjutkan dengan kata ‘needs’, misalnya : zahra needs
* Klik “search”
* Tulis deh 10 hasil pertama yang muncul di halaman itu. (kalo namanya gak keluar, coba ditulis dengan tanda petik “_” misalnya “zahra needs” baru disearch).

dan...inilah hasilnya:

1."zahra needs" to gain some freedom and a sense of normalcy.
2. zahra needs volunteers
3. zahra needs some shoes for school
4. zahra needs to burn me a cd
5. zahra needs a place to organise and vent
6. zahra needs someone to help her take down the Necromancers
7. zahra needs her aunt
8. zahra needs our solidarity now
9. zahra needs anyone that like her
10. zahra needs to know she can't jump all over
11. zahra needs to take Ali Baba's advice for complaining
12. zahra needs to put in stronger crucibles
13. zahra needs to turn in 6 more or gain 143 more Zombie points to reach the next level
14. zahra needs to turn 2 more or gain 30 more Werewolf points to reach the next level

wahwah...kalo mau komen satu2 kayaknya ga sempet nich...ehm ehm, jadii..ya terima ajalah, bungkuuuuss...kurang dan lebihnya mohon maaf yak, hehe!

Alhamdulillah...selesai juga, senengnya...really there is a relief...zzzz...