07 August 2009

forgive me, please...

I think of being more reflective...I know that God is here, right in my heart...so near but I often avoid resembling Him. Ramadhan will come, I wish I could have it for more...ahh God, forgive me!!
Forgive me if I couldn't make my promise yet..
to be a better person..
to do a good life
to be a nice wife and mom for my kids
to be lovable to my friends
to not forget saying "thank u" for every kindness
to say sorry for wrongness
to reflect on your creations
to love You more than I love my self

I wanna make more for those God, I do...but I'm too shy to do that! I'm so worry that I couldn't make it again...


  1. salam friend ,,ok forgive me too friend,,,
    memangnya salah apa,,minta maaf,,kan baru kenal ya,,,he,,he nice info, bagus artikelnya.

  2. ga kerasa yaw sbntar lagih ramadhan, forgive me too :D

  3. This is a nice post. I love it. I will follow your blog, hope to see you on my blog too.
    I will keep on commenting and visiting your blog,
    I hope you can add me in your Google Friends Follow, thank you so much. Have a nice day my friend.

  4. @nura: hehe...mbak ada2 aja...mau salah ato ga salah tetep maaf-maafan aja enaknya..ya ga? hehe
    @rachmat: me too....:p
    @bloghopper: hi, thanks..ok I will be there soon :)
    @waluyo: amin...:)

  5. Perjalanan satu mil d mulai satu langkah. Pastikan langkah pertama itu adalah menuju kesuksesan…

    Salam Kenal.. Laen Kali Mampir Ya...

  6. Selamat menyambut bulan suci ramadhan..Mohon maaf lahir dan batin......

  7. Salam kenal, met menunaikan ibadah puasa ya


Thanks dear...happy shopping and sharing :)