06 August 2009

award and originality

"I have an award for you...please take it!"...mmh, these words was waking me up from a day sleep --just feel like sunday morning-- :)
Okay then, mas doyok said this is the original version of d latest one I got from irawanqq (hihi...), anyway, I love both of those..peace...peace...:)

the second award (hohhoo...one is not enough!! he's really nice to me...)

many thanks bro...it's really meaningful :)


  1. aja bahasa inggris mbak... mumet hahaha.. thx bet wesss

  2. eh zahra, link gua salah, harus pake www hehehehe, peace peace peace.... kalo gitu doank gak nyambung :D peace peace peace

  3. bukannya ini sudah kemarin ya mbak?

  4. @mocca: iya chi, tapi yg ngasih beda...tuch coba liat namanya beda, jadi yg ini versi aslinya...hahaha...buat temen apa sich yg ga?hehe..mau aku display in 100x yg kayak gini juga ga masalah...hallahh!! xixixi...

  5. iya perasaan kmrn aku udh komeng deh heheheh....


Thanks dear...happy shopping and sharing :)